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Whistleblower Accuses Anna Luna and Husband Andy Gamberzky of Criminal Violations of the UCMJ, Federal Laws, Leading Swinger Lifestyle: Luna Russian Blackmail Sex Tape Details Emerge

Updated: Aug 12

A decorated veteran federal whistleblower has come forward and filed criminal accusations against Anna Luna and her husband Andrew Gamberzky and his former commanding officer with the USAF Office of Special Investigations (OSI).

A second source has come forward alleging the Russian mafia compromised Luna when she was younger and have a sex tape of her with a large man not Gamberzky. The source claims Luna is desperate to keep the salacious sex tape from becoming public.

Convicted Russian Agent Maria Butina (left) and Anna Luna in Her Own Campaign Fundraising Photo
The period of time the crimes above are alleged to have occurred was when Gamberzky was serving on full-time active reserve duty as a combat air controller special operator during Luna's previous Congressional campaign, while he was stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Gamberzky was awarded the Purple Heart after being wounded in Afghanistan.

The same whistleblower alleges the following wrongful acts involving the couple and their co-conspirator, Gamberzky's commanding officer, a man described as a deep-state MAGA Colonel embedded in US Special Operations Command (SOCOM):

  1. Conspiracy to defraud the United State's Air Force (Luna, Gamberzky, The Colonel)
  2. Conspiracy to engage in political campaigning while on active reserve duty earning full-time pay.
  3. Conspiracy to violate the Hatch Act.
  4. Authorizing Gamberzky's full-time pay while excusing him from duty to campaign with his wife (The Colonel)
  5. Financial crimes.

In addition, the whistleblower alleges that it was common knowledge within Gamberzky's unit that Luna and Gamberzky were swingers, and that the two had conspired to destroy the career of one of Gamberzky's unit members Luna had slept with. The serviceman was allegedly transferred overseas in retaliation by the MAGA Colonel.

The details of the Luna sex tape and alleged Russian compromise have been forwarded to the FBI. The source provided a still-frame of the sex tape showing a young woman who looks like Luna. A promise of delivery of the full sex tape was given if certain (non-monetary) conditions were met.

Luna's Strip Club Injunction Against Russian Woman in 2013

It is noted that Luna, in her petition for an injunction she filed in Okaloosa county in 2013, stated that she worked as a cocktail waitress at an (off-limits) strip joint called The Red Rose Gentleman's Club in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. This while she was still on active duty. Luna claims that she needed the extra money so she could buy a plane ticket to fly up to visit Gamberzky at Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda after he was wounded in Afghanistan.

It is noted that the USAF routinely provides free "AMC Flights" to servicemembers as a normal benefit and would have certainly provided her a free emergency flight to Andrews Air Force Base on a military transport, given Gamberzky's injuries. Or at least they would have issued her a voucher for a commercial flight. Further, the USAF would provide free on-base temporary housing, meals, and even military auto transport. Further, she was still on active duty, earning with Gamberzky married military pay, getting an off-base housing allowance, free on-base meals, and free uniforms.

The facts and circumstances and Luna's reasons for working at a strip club while on active duty in violation of the base commander's standing order placing it off-limits to base personnel, reads much like a disgraced George Santos fabulist contrivance. At least it does to this USAF veteran as it would to most who serve or served.

Soldiers Targeted by Russian Intelligence at Strip Club?

Perhaps it was off-limits precisely because it was known by FBI Counter-Intelligence and US military intelligence to be frequently targeted by Russian intelligence operatives seeking to compromise American troops and steal America's military secrets. I will note that the woman Luna filed her injunction against has a Russian name: Nadya.

I would never, ever cast aspersions on any woman who feels it necessary to take on that kind of job to make ends meet: Who am I to judge? It's hard work. I don't care about that part. But in this case, her actions and her lies speak volumes. And they would to anyone who has ever taken a free military flight, a military shuttle from Andrews to Walter Reed, been housed in temporary quarters on a military base, eaten free meals in an on-base cafeteria or officer's club, or obeyed a base commander's stay away standing order at a local strip joint frequented by Russian nationals. Did Luna not have access to her husbands bank account, or did they have a joint account? They were a two-income, no-kids military family earning two paychecks and getting free healthcare.

Anna Luna and Andy Gamberzky (left)
It's small wonder Luna and Gamberzky have brought a lawsuit against the DOD/USAF claiming falsely that Gamberzky was forced out of the Air Force over his refusal to take the mandatory COVID shot. He voluntarily separated and they filed their lawsuit just before the COVID mandate rescindment was signed into law by President Biden. And it's also no wonder that she has a separate FOIA lawsuit being brought on her behalf by Judicial Watch against the DOD after another whistleblower allegedly leaked her military records. Who can say what might be in those records. See Judicial Watch Inc. v U.S. Department of Defense.

The Luna Eclipse Hanging Over Pinellas County Eroding Beaches

It's no wonder Luna has made zero progress moving forward our stalled Pinellas County beach restoration project with the Army Corps of Engineers. She and Gamberzky, as co-plaintiffs, are biting the hand that can save our beaches, all in the name of you and me, all in their craven pursuit of personal riches and anti-vax, science-denying MAGA voters, at US taxpayer expense.

This is How a REAL Congressman Saves Our Beaches

I hereby call on President Biden to immediately issue an executive order to the Department of Defense to rescind the permanent easement policy currently in effect preventing the Army Corps of Engineers from restoring our beautiful Pinellas County beaches.

Boom. There, I'm not even in Congress yet and here I am already providing next-level constituent services, lobbying the current administration from my campaign headquarters in Gulfport, and working hard to protect our environment and our tourist economy.

And that, my fellow Pinellas County residents, is WHY it is that Anna Luna is completely ineffective as our Congresswoman, and always will be. She is guilty of dereliction of duty. She would never hand President Biden a victory on Pinellas County beach restoration, any more than she would on the border bill after Trump ordered her to scuttle it to deny Biden a win.

Anna Luna's constituency has shrunken from the near-million Pinellas County residents, to just two: Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin.

And now we know why. It seems that somewhere along the line in her younger years, she was likely compromised by the Russians well before assuming office. Maybe even by the Russian's that were actively targeting US troops at the Red Rose strip club she worked at in defiance of her base commander's standing order.

It seems other than deciding to turn themselves in and copping a plea in return for a reduced sentences and turning state's evidence on Donald Trump and Matt Gatez, Luna and Gamberzky have little if any agency to do anything at all on our behalf here in Pinellas County.

Only I Can Defeat Anna Luna

I can defeat Anna Luna. I'm the ONLY one in this wide-open 5-way primary who can defeat Anna Luna. And now District 13 voters, despite everything the Democratic Party has thrown at me for over a year, the defamation, the physical assault, the campaign sign theft, denying me a seat at the debate table, denying me PAC funding, blocking voter access to my event at the St Pete/Clearwater Marriot campaign event; suppressing the vote, all of them all so "MAGA-desperate" to keep voters in the dark about what kind of man I truly am and the very existence of my campaign, you finally know just how, and why, that is.

Please vote for John William Liccione in the August 20th primary and consider donating to my campaign.

I'm John William Liccione and I approved this message.
Paid for by John Liccione for Congress
Press inquiries contact John Liccione at 272-209-7463 or at [email protected].
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Aug 17
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

What a jerk, just like the party he represents !


Aug 13
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

A decorated veteran whistleblower? Its you, so why not be honest about that? Are you ashamed? Where's the film? Where's the evidence? Put up or shut up.

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