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"Tampa Girl" Blows the Whistle on Being Paid With Others to Commit Massive Democratic Party Mail-in Ballot Fraud in FL CD-13's Wide-Open 5-way Democratic Primary

Democrat John Liccione files federal ballot fraud lawsuit in US District Court in Tampa against 6 Defendants: 4 are Democrats

Republican Chris Gleason files lawsuit against Republican Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus of ballot fraud.

It's Republicans versus Republicans and Democratics vs Democrats in an intertwined bi-partisan election scandal unlike any other in the nation.

An image of the Tampa Girl RussiLeaks communique alleging she and others were paid to mark absentee ballots en massee is shown below, and below that is image of page 1 of John's lawsuit

The Tampa Girl RussiLeaks Communique to John Liccione Allege Massive Ballot Fraud

Download the entire 95-page lawsuit below.

I'm John Liccione and I approved this message.
Paid for by John Liccione for Congress.
Media inquiries contact John Liccione at [email protected] or at 727-209-7463

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