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John Liccione Calls on President Biden to Order DOD to Jumpstart Pinellas County Beach Replenishment

I call on President Biden to issue a Presential Executive Order directing Defense Secretary Austin to immediately rescind the permanent easement policy that is preventing the US Army Corps of Engineers from moving ahead with our Pinellas County beach replenishment project.

With a stroke of a pen Mr. President, you can save our beaches and protect and defend our tourism economy and stem rising home insurance costs.

The Luna Eclipse Darkening Pinellas Beaches

The Luna eclipse that been blocking out the sun on our Pinellas County beach replenishment project must end now, Mr. President and VP Harris. Anna Luna in her two years in office has refused to ask you for help. Neither she nor Trump can afford to hand you an environmental and economic win for the people and the businesses here in Congressional District 13.

Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM)

So, Mr. President. Here's my proposed plan of action and milestones that I submit on behalf of the residents and small business of Florida's District 13, and that I beseech you to faithfully execute.

  1. Walk down to the White House cafeteria. Grab a napkin. Pull out your Presidential pen, and write down this single sentence:

"Defense Secretary Austin, I hereby order you to rescind the permanent easement policy that is preventing the Army Corps of Engineers from replenishing Pinellas County Florida beaches and to rapidly deploy via air, land, and sea the beach replenishment equipment and personal to hit the first Pinellas County beach within 48 hours."

2. Sign it.

3. Hold it up and take a selfie with it.

4. Send it to Secretary Austin's phone.

5. Call him and read the words on the napkin to him.

6. Secretary Austin, there are only three words you must say: Sir, yes sir.

7. Then pick up your Pentagon desk phone, relay the order to Lieutenant General Scott A. Spellmon, head of the Army Corps of Engineers.

8. Then call the Secretary of the USAF and relay that order.

9. Then call the Secretary of the US Army and relay that order.

10. Then call the Chief of Naval Operations and relay that order.


On behalf of the people and small business owners in Pinellas County Mr. President and Secretary Austin, we expect to see a joint USAF and US Army air mobile rapid deployment response within 48 hours as well as an equivalent response from the US Navy and the US Coast Guard.

We expect to see C-130's and C-17's flying into MacDill Air Force base delivering beach replenishment equipment and personnel within 72 hours, where I will greet them in person (after you direct the MacDill base commander to let me on base).
We expect to see US Army CH-47 Chinooks and USAF CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters transporting that heavy equipment from MacDill to the first Pinellas County beach with 4 days. Let's make it Redington Beach.
We want to see the first cranes and the dredgers, and the barges and the 1st sand pipe set up and the first grains of sand hitting Redington Beach in 2 weeks.
I'll be there at Redington Beach with you Mr. President and Ms. Vice President, where together we will cut the ribbon on that sand pipe on Redington Beach. Let's set the target date for the ribbon cutting ceremony for September 1st.

Trump and his cheer captain Anna Luna thought they could deny you a win on Pinellas County beach replenishment, Mr. President and Ms. Vice President. They have failed.

Let's make an example here and show Trump and Luna and their followers that we Democrats are more than just kumbaya Democrats. Let's show them all that we can rise to the occasion as "Oohrah Democrats" and get things done, with alacrity.

And then we take it to them on the southern border in the exact same way.

And together we take down Anna Paulina Luna and Donald Trump in a 20-point landslide.

Oh, and Mr. President. Make sure you send that napkin over to the National Archives where it can be displayed right next to Kim Jung Un's love letter to Donald Trump.

It will be a Presidental Executive Order for the ages.

Yours Truly,

John William Liccione

I'm John Liccione and I wrote this message.

Paid for by John Liccione for Congress
For media inquiries contact John Liccione at [email protected] or at 727-209-4763


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